Dots, Spots, Stripes, Colour, Bold Patterns—you’ll rarely catch me without at least one of these! My love for colour began in my early teens, I can still recall some of the wild outfits I wore, definitely not on trend, but so uniquely me.
Though, sometimes, I was too nervous to wear what I really wanted, to embrace my true self.
Fast forward to now with a little fella in tow, and a lot less worry about what the world thinks, we revel in ALL THE COLOURS in ALL THE THINGS.
I want my little boy to grow up knowing it's ok to embrace who he is and wear what he wants to be his true and most confident self.
After some sleepless newborn nights spent scrolling countless websites for fun outfits, I thought there must be an easier way to find all the wonderful brands in one place and “Hello Buttercup” was born.
When my boy slept, I’d sit on the couch, eat way too much chocolate (sorry postpartum bod) and dreamt up my perfect store.
I’ve curated a fun, enthusiastic, and mindful selection of brands for your little ones, to spark their joy, inspire their creativity, and give them the confidence to be themselves!

My son, Chad & I - Celebrating his 1st Birthday - We celebrated in full style with my recreation of the Womens Weekly train cake 😋🚂🎉🎈